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Giỏ hàng
TỔNG TIỀN: | 0₫ |
Xem giỏ hàng | Thanh toán |
Step 1: Visit the website and select the product you want to purchase
Step 2: Click on the product you want to buy, a pop up screen will appear with the following options
If you want to continue shopping: Click on buy now to choose to add products to the cart
If you want to view the cart to update products: Click view cart
If you want to order and pay for this product please click: Order and pay
Step 3: Select payment account information
If you already have an account, please enter your username, email and password in the section where you already have an account on the system.
If you do not have an account and want to register an account, please fill in your personal information to continue registering an account. Once you have an account, you will easily track your orders
If you want to purchase without an account, please click on order without an account
Step 4: Fill in your information to receive your order, choose payment method and shipping for your order
Step 5: Review order information, fill in notes and submit order
After receiving your order, we will contact you by calling back to confirm your order and address.
For further details please contact:
Minh Thu Production, Service and Trading Company Limited
Head office: Van Quan 1 village, Van Khe commune, Me Linh district, Hanoi city
Support center: 1900 63 30 29
Hotline: 0914 941 477 - 0974 052 687