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Model: HT200/AT.4040
KOSOVOTA 200L/h HT200/AT.4040 pure water filtration system (PPR or UPVC) is manufactured according to advanced technology processes with certification:
The system includes 2 rough filter cups, 01 water softening column to protect the RO membrane, combined with 01 RO 4040 Taptec membrane of Dupont Corporation USA and high quality T33 functional filter core. Water through the system will be removed 99.9% of bacteria, Amoeba, Arsenic, heavy metal ions, completely remove moss, rust, larvae, odor-causing gases, organic matter in water, ... Not only clean filtration, but thanks to the T33 core containing Swedish Jacobi activated coconut shell charcoal - imported from Sri-Lanka, it helps balance PHand also creates a sweet taste for the water . The output water meets the National Standard for direct drinking water QCVN 06-1:2010/BYT of the Ministry of Health.